Tia presented at the BWS as she felt unable to regulate her emotions. She had been experiencing episodes of depression on and off for the last 10 years. Tia reported her day to day presentation as feeling confused, lost, always sad, always crying and this was accompanied by constant fatigue.
Tia found that her brain was always in constant overdrive, unable to take on any information, constantly overwhelmed. Tia held a negative view of herself, her life, the world , and was generally pessimistic. Tia worried about how her emotional state was impacting her children and family , and needed to shift her way of being.
Tias goals embarking on the empowerment journey ( with a couple of extra session required – trauma and acceptance) where to have a quieter, more peaceful mind, and regain a sense of happiness and hope for the future.
By session two Tia was feeling more positive but her head continued to be noisy and overwhelming.
Session 3 saw Tia feeling incredible , more energy , more emotional control and handling situations well that would normally trigger an emotional breakdown.
Session 6 saw Tia in a very different light, she walked with a spring in her step, she was positive, lighter , focused in her thoughts and generally happier. Tia felt calmer in her mind and in how she was responding and not reacting to situations. Tia is amazed with her results and she is only half way through her journey so far.