Kay Was in Crisis Mode

Kay Was in Crisis Mode


Kay came to see us in a state of crisis. Unable to control her negative feelings which would come and go daily impacting hugely on her life. These negative emotions caused her lots of anxiety which led to making going to work very difficult for her.

Kay wanted to find peace in her head and gain a sense of relaxation in both her body and mind. She wanted to be happy going to work and not worry about it once she came home. Finding a work/home balance was hard because worry consumed Kay.

After having sessions here at the BWS, Kay felt calmer and was able to perform/cope better at work compared to before. Kay’s anxiety has significantly reduced, and she is able to be more optimistic and enjoy her life.

Kay came to us In order to reduce anxiety,  “find my spirit/passion/joy in life”. At session four, Kay’s results were great, she was progressing in the right direction. All Kay’s indicators reduced to nearly all ones.

By session seven in comparison to session one, Khang’s indicators had reduced immensely.

Kay is coming up to session 12 and she is able to maintain calmness and peace in her mind. Kay is more energetic to do daily tasks and is coping better. Overall Kay is experiencing less worry and is feeling a lot happier.

Progress of Kay’s results from session one through to session 12 are below…

Stress 6 –> 1 (Decreased by 5)

Anxiety 8 –> 2 (Decreased by 6)

Feeling Flat 9 –> 1 (Decreased by 8)

Worry 8 –> 1 (Decreased by 7)

Fear 7 –> 2 (Decreased by 5)

Lack of Motivation 6 –> 1 (Decreased by 5)

Low Self Esteem 6 –> 1 (Decreased by 5)


Feelings of Loneliness: Occasionally –> Never , 3 –> 1

Feelings of being Isolated: Occasionally –> Never, 3 –> 1

Feelings of Hopelessness: Occasionally –> Never, 3 –> 1

Feelings of being Unloved: Occasionally –> Never, 3 –> 1

Kay is at the end of her sessions and will be focusing on looking at other spa menu options that may improve her life.